We made it! The 12th step in the MGB Investing Starter Kit process is a maintenance step, one that we all can conceivably continue for the rest of our lives! Basically, we cycle through the other steps regularly:
Continue to
pay attention to the S&P 500
track our expenses (and income) daily/regularly
work with a Check In Chum--the same one, or complete your agreement with them, and try a new person
pay down debt until we are debt free!
regularly assess our monthly expenses and money plan
(Didn't mention this in the video, because it's a long term practice, but ) review our will and estate plan every 3-5 years
INVEST! Dollar cost average into the S&P 500 tracking fund that we researched and hold in our brokerage account
So, if this feels overwhelming, or like too much, we have a solution for you. Starting December 14, we will be doing a weekly MONEY STUDY HALL for one hour, starting at 12:30pm ET on Thursdays, year-round. While it's in beta, it will be free! That said, it works best for people who have taken the MGB Investing Starter Kit Workshop. If you're interested, comment below!
The other aspect to step 12 is to PAY IT FORWARD. Introduce someone else to this blog! Send them to TheInvestingStarterKit.Black and see what they say!
And in the meantime, thanks for reading all this. Here's to our financial fluency!
Quick Links:
Step 1 in the MGB Investing Starter Kit process is HERE
Step 2 is HERE --Keep a Digit Tally, like You Need A Budget or RocketMoney or our free tracker HERE
Step 3 is HERE
What is Investing? is HERE
What is The MGB Investing Starter Kit? is HERE
To join for our next MGB Investing Starter Kit Workshop, sign up HEREhttps://form.typeform.com/to/C32NsK1O