Thrillingly, the Honorable Hakeem Jeffries (D-New York Brooklyn!) will be the next leader of the Democrats, (this video is of the Democrats in the chamber chanting his name!) once the House of Representatives is able to elect a Speaker of the House.
(What is the Speaker of the House? it's the leader of this branch of government, chosen by the majority party, and elected every two years. The House Speaker is a leadership and administrative role, and right now, there's a fight happening in the slimly-held majority party.)
So, on that front, freshman Congressman-elect, Rep John James (R-Michigan), just spoke to Congress--he stated that a leader of the Republican party acknowledged that the Democrats are much more reflective of the US, in terms of the identities of people who make up those Representatives. Glad the GOP recognizes that!
Finally, Rep Byron Donalds (R-Florida) was being nominated by a certain element, as another option for Speaker of the House. And while not all skinfolk are kinfolk, it's undeniable that there is a movement happening with representation for Black America. And that's a good thing.

In this post, I encouraged us all to VOTE. Our government creates space for us to feel safe enough to learn to invest, and oversees the validity of those investments. It matters, and that's one of the reasons why I'm giving Congress attention here.
Have you been watching the opening of the 118th Congress?
EDIT: And did you see Hon. Jeffries' first speech as House Minority Leader once Congress finally got into session? it was INCREDIBLE. Here's the link: "Our diversity is a strength [...]Out of many, we are one. [...]Let's lift up the American Dream for every single person in this nation."
Watch at minute 13:25 where he breaks down his values from A to Z.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments! And as always, thanks for reading this.
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