The Blaze virtual conference is happening next week, and registration is free! The theme is the very appropriate "Bend, but don't break!" The conference focuses on Black female entrepreneurs, but Black men are, of course, welcome, and anyone who feels called should definitely register.
Sign up at this link HERE.
Or paste this link into your browser https://blazevirtualsummit.com/
Our company will have a booth, and I will be manning the booth LIVE on Monday, Juneteenth from 5-7pm ET--come join!
I will be presenting on Step 1 of the MGB Investing Starter Kit process, and talking about current market conditions.
Will you come join? Would love to see you there!
And as always, thanks for reading this. Happy Juneteenth Weekend!
Quick Links:
Step 1 in the MGB Investing Starter Kit process is HERE
Step 2 is HERE --Keep a Digit Tally, like You Need A Budget or RocketMoney
Step 3 is HERE
What is Investing? is HERE
What is The MGB Investing Starter Kit? is HERE
Sign up for the waitlist to get an investment account with us, click HERE
To join for our next MGB Investing Starter Kit Workshop, sign up HERE