"Let us have a bank that will take nickels and turn them into dollars."
Maggie Lena Walker
Please take a look at this incredibly visionary leader from the early 20th century. The two documentaries below tell the story of this inspirational woman, Mrs. Maggie Lena Walker, the first Black woman to start a bank, among many other incredible achievements. She was before her time. And the bank she founded still exists, incorporated into what is now the Peoples Bank.
Thank you to our mentors for telling us about Mrs. Walker.
People like this are the ancestors who make what MultiGenerational is doing, possible.

Step 1 in The MGB Investing Starter Kit Process is HERE.
Step 2 is HERE.
Step 3 is HERE.
What is Money? is HERE
What is Investing? is HERE
What is The MGB Investing Starter Kit? is HERE
Images are screenshots from the first documentary. See end credits for attribution.